UDP/TCP-IP Firmware for IO3CC and IO8CC – Bootloader V3.x

Current version – V6.0

  • Simpel datagram based UDP/TCP-IP control
  • Automatic statuschange notification
  • Adjustable Automatic Release option ( Output Contacts )
  • Polling option

KissBox CPU versions are related to their boot-loader version and marked accordingly on the serial number label. A boot-loader version being V3.x for example indicates a V3 type CPU. When uploading firmware to a KissBox the Editor firmware wizard will also inform you of the Boot-loader/CPU version of the connected KissBox.

It is important to check that you load the right firmware in the right box. The IO3CC and IO8CC should only be loaded with Firmware specifically meant for them. Using a wrong firmware file will lead to erratic behavior. Accidentally loading an incorrect type of firmware will not physically damage the KissBox, it will however stop functioning. If this has happened, just load the correct firmware for the hardware version you have to render the KissBox operable again.


The new V3.2 bootloader hardware is not compatible with older bootloader V3.0 firmwares. The installation of the wrong firmwares on V3.2 hardware will “brick” the unit. It will have to be returned to the factory for repair.